Over the years, companies accumulated data every day, adopted applications to help them with business processes, and some never deleted anything. Data was considered property of the enterprise and applications were not usually shared outside the premises. As a result, data is literally everywhere, from desktops and laptops to servers, from departmental to enterprise use. Data has grown out of control, it is redundant, copied in multiple places, non-classified, and much of it is completely unknown to the central IT department.
IT departments now urgently have to rethink and build data privacy and protection into their processes because from now on data belongs to the citizen.
In this session you’ll:
• Learn how Voltage data discovery and classification tells you not only where your data is, but also precisely what it contains from a risk and data privacy perspective
• Discover where private and sensitive data is – in databases, file shares, applications, and other repositories, across multi-cloud hybrid IT
• See the importance and benefits of assigning a risk score to every piece of data and how that enables you to prioritize protection projects