The Five Dimensions of Content Standardization

Presented by

Val Swisher

About this talk

Come join Global content strategy expert Val Swisher, CEO of Content Rules, as she introduces the Five Dimensions of Content Standardization™. Learn about content standards — what they are, and why they're essential to delivering exceptional content experiences. You'll learn how Content Rules' content standardization framework makes content FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable). And, you'll leave knowing the steps you can take to prepare your content for the future. When you document and enforce standards across all Five Dimensions, your content becomes seamlessly reusable. You also reduce risk, time-to-market, and cost while increasing content quality in all languages. The Five Dimensions framework enables you to: 1. Automate content generation, assembly, formatting, and publishing 2. Reuse content in any output type or file format 3. Deploy artificial intelligence to gain actionable insights 4. Exchange information directly with partners, CROs, sites, and regulatory agencies without locking it into documents first 5. Increase translation quality while significantly reducing cost and turnaround time About Val Swisher About the presenter: Val Swisher is the founder of Content Rules, where she leads a cross-disciplinary team of content experts and has predicted several important content trends. She runs the company's content strategy, global content, and content optimization services. Val has more than two decades of experience and is a well-known expert on global readiness, intelligent content, and technology solutions. She frequently speaks at industry conferences and is a sought-after guest on webinars and podcasts. She believes content should be easy to read, cost-effective to translate, and efficient to manage. Val is the author of several books, including The Personalization Paradox (XMLPress) and Global Content Strategy: A Primer (XML Press).
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