The symbiotic nature of the digitally transformed world also adds vulnerability, as malicious actors, nation states, criminal organizations, or even individuals can capitalize on the interdependencies that wind through our pervasively connected world.
The availability of innovative DDoS attack tools and techniques has lowered the barrier of entry, which means an increase in the number of attackers launching DDoS attacks. Attack targets have also diversified. It used to be that finance, gaming, and e-commerce verticals were likely targets. Today, any organization, for any real or perceived offense or affiliation, can become a target of a DDoS attack. This while APT group and crimeware activity continues to grow, as actors in this space develop and unleash increasingly sophisticated attacks worldwide.
Attend this webcast to learn:
•Understand what is happening on the DDoS Landscape – the largest attacks and what is driving them
•How Nation-State activity is going ‘internet-scale’
•Botnets, crimeware, intrusions – how these facets of the threat landscape tie in together