DDoS Attacks on Service Providers are Up. Are You Prepared?

Presented by

Richard Hummel, Manager of Threat Intelligence and Darren Anstee, CTO Office/Security

About this talk

Join us for our webinar as we discuss the dramatic rise in CSP (communication service providers) DDoS attacks during the 1st half of 2020. NETSCOUT DDoS experts will share with you how service providers bore the brunt of DDoS attacks during the pandemic and how they’re meeting this challenge head-on. Learn how CSPs are mitigating DDoS attacks, defending their network, and meeting DDoS requirements for their customers. •4.8 million attacks representing a 15% increase year-over-year •Tbps sized, and increase in multi-million pps DDoS attacks •2,851% increase in 15-plus vector DDoS attacks •Top industry targets •DDoS mitigation best practices
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