While single and all-inclusive messages to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) people can be quite effective, in many ways there is no "LGBTQ community." In some cases, the most authentic and productive connections are made when segments within the community are recognized and addressed. Some companies and organizations may be able to be all things to all LGBTQ people, and for those companies, a singular message may suffice. But for most, that approach will not yield maximum results.
Join Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler, and his special guests from Community Marketing & Insights (CMI), for this free one-hour webinar. CMI President Tom Roth, and Research Director, David Paisley, will lead this discussion. Tom and David will inform participants about the differences within the LGBTQ communities from a research and outreach perspective, and how to successfully connect with the communities that present the best "match" for their products and services.
Webinar participants will obtain a high-level understanding of “LGBTQ” as a market; gain insights into nuanced differences within LGBTQ market segments; and learn how to authentically approach appropriate LGBTQ segments, and successfully leverage these opportunities into results.