More than 80% of all marketing communications are predicted to be visual by 2018, and social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. That’s a lot of competition for marketers to fight for customer’s attention. How can you make sure you don’t squander precious views once you get them?
Join me, Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler, with my special guest, Guy Larcom, an Instructional Designer at TechSmith, where he designs and develops tutorials, educational videos, marketing videos, writes documentation, and blogs about visual communication.
Through research, experimentation, and testing, he has learned some of the best ways to create engaging videos and some of the things that make videos less engaging. But it’s not just about making engaging videos. Knowing the best ways to distribute your content plays a big role, too. In this session, Guy will share what he has learned about creating engaging video content, how to add human elements to keep videos feeling genuine, tips on how to get your content to your audience, and how you can avoid viewer drop offs during your videos.