Turning Structured Content into 'How To' Videos

Presented by

Wouter Maagdenberg, TXTOmedia

About this talk

Structured content is an ideal starting place for creating and producing rich media in bulk. A new technology created by TXTOmedia transforms this native and localized written documentation into rich media, such as animation, live-action video, and interactive visuals in an automated, fast, and cost-effective way — enabling versioning and respecting existing workflow processes within large organizations. TXTOmedia supports XML and Structured Content in multiple languages which is then parsed by and transformed into rich media automatically. This allows you to take existing structured content and create video, slides, visual TOC, Hot Spot Images and Interactive Product Models.   Takeaways: –Watch instead of read; visuals and video are preferred above text by most audiences. – Rich media creation is no longer a painful manual and disconnected process –Technical publications become more vital for sales. ABOUT WOUTER MAAGDENBERG Wouter Maagdenberg started his career in 1996 with a specialized web agency for the media, music and sports industry in Amsterdam. He focussed on streaming media and continued to develop rich media software. In 2011 he sold his technology company to SDL. Today, Wouter focuses on the auto-creation of video and other rich media content. His company TXTOmedia delivers solutions to transform existing content into rich media such as animations and video for today's screens, AR and VR. 
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