Your company has invested in purchasing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, and your colleagues are expecting to add documentation to its knowledge base. But knowledge bases were built for standalone support articles, not complex publications and hierarchical task-based content. So how can you use a CRM to publish your product documentation?
Join Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler, and Lawrence Orin, Product Evangelist & Customer Implementation Expert at Zoomin, to learn how these two types of content can work well together.
Whether you’re a documentation manager, support professional, or CRM user or administrator, here are some key takeaways you’ll gain from this one-hour webinar:
1) Understand the problems of housing product documentation in a typical knowledge base.
2) Help others in your organization understand the differences between support content and product content.
3) Learn how you can have the best of both worlds: a complete docs experience in knowledge bases like Salesforce or ServiceNow.