The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) is a flexible — yet powerful – XML-based information architecture to structure and manage any information, not just technical documentation. Some examples of non-technical documentation deliverables that companies produce using DITA include marketing collateral, reports, business documents, training material, and legal and regulatory compliance documents.
Join us for a one-hour presentation from Max Swisher, Director of Technology at global content consultancy Content Rules. You'll learn how Swisher's team is leveraging DITA XML and the Heretto component content management system (CCMS) to produce business content, including client reports. You'll discover why Content Rules uses Heretto to assemble and deliver business documents, what benefits the company enjoys, and what ideas they have for using Heretto to produce additional content types in the future.
Can’t make it? Register, and we’ll send you a link to watch a recording when convenient.
This presentation is brought to you by The Content Wrangler and Content Rules and is sponsored by Heretto, the #ContentOps platform for product, reference and knowledge content.