Managing Unstructured Data to Unlock Enterprise Value

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Panelists from Quantum, North Shore Automation and DataIntell will join daregraphic’s CEO for the discussion.

About this talk

Fundamentally, data storage needs to innovate to become more useful to enterprise strategy. On the first day of the Summit - Oct. 20th, at 1pm (EDT) daregraphic will lead a panel discussion that will review some of the conclusions of the report and invites panelists to discuss their own experiences with clients struggling with unstructured data stored on ever-expanding devices. The panel will also discuss innovative ways to help these clients federate this data and realize its true value for their organizations. Panelists from Quantum, North Shore Automation and DataIntell will join daregraphic’s CEO for the conference. Participants will learn: • What is considered unstructured data • How this data is wasted rather than leveraged for enterprise value • What are some of the ways to federate this data to extract value • What types of strategic contribution this data can ultimately bring to organizations Pierre Couture, CEO, Daregraphic Noemi Greyzdorf, Head of Product and Solution Marketing, Quantum Bryson Jones, Co-Founder & CIO, North Shore Automation Olivier Rivard, Head of Developpement, DataIntell
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