Factor Indexing Explained: Capturing & Maintaining Exposure

Presented by

FTSE Russell & Deutsche Asset Management

About this talk

How to efficiently capture and maintain exposure to factors is a common question heard by index providers and ETF issuers alike. Of equal importance is how the index methodology works to maintain exposure to chosen factors over time. Join Rolf Agather, Managing Director of Research & Innovation from FTSE Russell, and Robert Bush, Vice President, ETF Thought Leadership, at Deutsche Asset Management for the first in a series of quarterly webinars to discuss: - Efficiently capturing multi-factor exposure - How factor exposures within indexes change over time - The impact of rebalancing on embedded factor exposures - The impact of rebalancing on country and sector exposures - How rebalancing impacts the largest constituents in comprehensive factor indexes
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FTSE Russell is a leading global provider of index and benchmark solutions, spanning diverse asset classes and investment objectives. As a trusted investment partner we help investors make better-informed investment decisions, manage risk, and seize opportunities. Market participants look to us for our expertise in developing and managing global index solutions across asset classes. Asset owners, asset managers, ETF providers and investment banks choose FTSE Russell solutions to benchmark their investment performance and create investment funds, ETFs, structured products, and index-based derivatives. Our clients use our solutions for asset allocation, investment strategy analysis and risk management, and value us for our robust governance process and operational integrity. For over 35 years we have been at the forefront of driving change for the investor, always innovating to shape the next generation of benchmarks and investment solutions that open up new opportunities for the global investment community.