Investor expectations and corporate climate disclosure in Asia

Presented by

AIGCC, FTSE Russell, EY, Cathay Financial Holdings

About this talk

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) and FTSE Russell are pleased to host a webinar to discuss the findings from the report ‘Building on the base: TCFD Disclosure in Asia’, the first comprehensive guide developed by investors to look at climate change reporting by publically listed companies in Asia against the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). AIGCC worked with EY and FTSE Russell to look at current levels of reporting by Asian companies in key industry sectors and across major markets in the region. It draws upon previously unpublished data analysis of corporate reporting on climate change and is the first report to benchmark performance against the TCFD for the region. This guide outlines the expectations that investors have of listed companies on their climate disclosure and is designed to provide a practical tool for investors as they work in partnership with their investee companies in Asia. Date: Tuesday 4th December Time: 3pm Taipei/HK/SG, 4pm Tokyo, 6pm Sydney, 7am London Speakers: Rebecca Mikula-Wright, Director, Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (Moderator) Arisa Kishigami, Head of ESG Asia Pacific FTSE Russell Dr Graham Sinden, Director of Climate Change & Sustainability EY Sophia Cheng, CIO, Cathay Financial Holdings
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