Broadcast live from London Stock Exchange’s auditorium:
Join the following session LIVE from the London Stock Exchange and listen to the presentations without leaving your office.
What do investors need to understand as they start to buy into fixed income ETFs?
Session Two Agenda (all times in BST and are approximate):
10:55am: Panel 3: Fixed income ETFs: Investigating the increasing demand
Panel 3: Investor spotlight: Investigating the increasing demand in fixed income ETFs
Moderator: Tom Eckett, Senior Writer ETF Stream
Panellists: Jose Garcia-Zarate, Associate Director, Passive Strategies Research, Morningstar Europe; James McManus, Head of ETF Research, Nutmeg; Jessica Singleton, Fixed Income Index Product Development & Strategy, DWS
11:30am: Panel 4: Fixed income ETFs 2.0: What do the new breed of products look like?
Moderator: David Stevenson, Editor-in-Chief, ETF Stream
Panellists: Irene Bauer, CIO Twenty20 Investments, Co-Founder Algo-Chain; Matt Brennan, Fund Manager, AJ Bell; Silvia Bosoni, Head of Italy ETFs, ETPs and open-end Funds, Listing and Market Development, Capital Markets, London Stock Exchange Group
12:05pm: Keynote: The Development of Passive Investment in Europe: presentation of the results of the EDHEC-Risk European ETF Survey 2019
Speaker: Riccardo Rebonato, PHD, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School; Ashley Fagan, Global Head of ETF, Indexing & Smart Beta Strategic Clients & UK/Ireland Strategy & Distribution, Amundi
12:35 Closing Remarks
*** Please note that this webinar is addressed exclusively to professional investors in Europe and/or jurisdictions where the funds or products are approved for distribution. ***