PRI/LSEG COP26: Investor Action on Climate Series - Webinar 6

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As part of the PRI Digital Conference, the PRI and the LSEG will be co-hosting the sixth and final event in the PRI and LSEG COP26 Investor Action on Climate Series. Industrial Transition to Net Zero - How can business and the investment sector come together to achieve global decarbonisation? Date: 20 October 2021 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30 pm BST Agenda and confirmed speakers Series overview Sagarika Chatterjee, Director of Climate Change, PRI and COP26 High-Level Champions Finance Co-Lead David Harris, Global Head of Sustainable Finance, Data & Analytics, LSEG Opening remarks Fiona Reynolds, CEO, PRI David Schwimmer, CEO, LSEG Opening C-Suite panel – The engagement between the finance sector and businesses to support transition and rapid decarbonisation of the economy David Schwimmer and Fiona Reynolds are joined by: Alison Rose, CEO, NatWest Group Renaud Guidée, Group Chief Risk Officer, AXA Keynote Speaker John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Keynote Speaker Commissioner Allison Herren Lee, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission IEA Presentation Tim Gould, Chief Energy Economist, International Energy Agency (IEA) Panel: Accelerating commitments and getting the vision right Chair: Sagarika Chatterjee, Director of Climate Change, PRI and COP26 High-Level Champions Finance Co-Lead Anne Simpson, Managing Investment Director, Board Governance & Sustainability, CalPERS & Steering Committee and Asia Advisory Group for Climate Action 100+ Rachael Everard, Head of Sustainability, Rolls-Royce Jaakko Kooroshy, Head of Sustainable Investment Research, FTSE Russell Panel: Driving Action on Climate Change Management & Effective Target Setting Chair: Julia Hoggett, CEO, London Stock Exchange Adam Matthews, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Church of England Pensions Board & Chair of TPI Claudia Bolli, Head Responsible Investing, Director, Swiss Re Group Asset Management Sam Peacock, Director of Corporate Affairs and Strategy, SSE
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