IT architecture and its critical role in maintaining business operations has never been more critical than today. The monitoring of this landscape has transformed into a mission-critical business activity. As a result, AI has rapidly become an invaluable transformative technology.
The proliferation of IoT and other sensors has led to a dramatic increase in the volume of information generated and the monitoring required. AI-enabled monitoring can react automatically to alerts/events and preempt them by recognizing patterns in the changing data, recommending, or even taking action to minimize the issue's impact before it becomes a more severe problem.
Joining Sajesh Gopinath, General Manager, UST SmartOps™, will be John Laherty, Senior Research Analyst, NelsonHall Muraleekrishnan Nair, General Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Services. UST.
Together they will explore the impact of AI in creating an intelligent, self-healing IT infrastructure and discuss a variety of topics, including:
• How do you prioritize various operations areas for transformation?
• How to interface AIOps with other IT systems to minimize disruption and maximize business impact
• Quantifying the business benefits realized by AIOps deployment
• Case studies highlighting best practices and lessons learned