The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO Council) and RedPoint Global are partnering to host a one-hour webinar on May 1, 2018, at 10am PST/1pm EST to discuss our latest report—titled “The State of Engagement: Bridging the Customer Journey Across Every Mile”—which reveals how brands are using connected, contextual and personalized engagements to reach customers through the last mile of their journey with a brand.
Join Liz Miller, SVP of Marketing here at the CMO Council, and John Nash, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer for RedPoint Global, as they unveil the findings from a quantitative survey of more than 150 marketers, in addition to insights from interviews with marketing leaders at Coca-Cola,, Aston Martin and more.
Miller and Nash will explore the issues and challenges that organizations continue to struggle as they look to deliver consistent, reliable, data-driven and personalized engagements across an ever-expanding list of touchpoints. They will also share the strategies that leading companies are using to turn intentions into measurable action. The webcast will also take a closer look at the brands that are successfully differentiating themselves through better engagements by delivering the experiences that consumers want.